About Us

Terrain evolved from Terrain Capital Limited, a Melbourne based independent corporate advisory, whose founding Directors have been working together since 1993.

Terrain completed its first transaction for an Australian real estate fund manager in May 2005. Since early 2006, Terrain has focused on helping international fund managers market their investment products in Australia.

We initially focused advising clients in Private Equity, before broadening into unlisted Real Estate. Post September 2008 Terrain expanded our advisory services to include unlisted Infrastructure & Alternative Credit strategies. Since March 2010 we have advised clients on listed investment strategies, covering Public Equities, Global Fixed Income, G-REITs, Listed Infrastructure, and unlisted investment strategies, covering Timberlands & Contingent Credit.

Terrain Capital Markets Limited another associated company of Terrain holds an Australian Financial Services Licence No. 240284, which allows Terrain to act as a Placement Agent and Strategic Adviser to domestic and international fund managers looking to access capital from Australia. Our client services, commercial activities and our team are required to comply with the relevant provisions of the Corporations Act, the ASIC Act, the Financial Services Transactions Act and other relevant regulations pertaining to our financial services business.

Meet our team

Our executive team comprises of experienced senior advisers and executive support staff, with each executive overseeing each client’s transactions.

Jim Richards, BA & FCA

Managing Director & Co-Founder

Jim is the co-founder and Managing Director of Terrain Placement Services (“Terrain”), a leading independent Melbourne based advisor to international fund managers seeking to position and then fund-raise from the Australian Pension Fund and Institutional Investment Markets since 2006. He has an excellent knowledge of the Australian Pension Fund investors’ decision-making process and the strategy that will be required to gain support from investor Trustees, executives and their Asset Consultants / Specialist Advisors.

Prior to establishing Terrain, Jim was a Director & co-founder of Terrain Capital, which commenced in 2000 as an independent corporate adviser to Australian mid-market companies that are publicly listed and private on their Capital raisings, Corporate restructurings, Mergers & Acquisitions, Divestments as well as Management Buy Outs / Buy Ins (MBOs & MBIs) Divestments. Terrain Capital’s co-founding Directors had been working together since 1993.

Jim also worked for Lend lease during 1991/92; ANZ McCaughan from 1988 to 1990; Arthur Anderson from 1984 to 1987 and Mobil Oil Australia during 1980/81.

Chris Jost, BA & MBA

Senior Consultant

Chris is a Senior Consultant at Terrain Placements Services (“Terrain”), a leading independent Melbourne based advisor to international fund managers seeking to position and then fund-raise from the Australian Superannuation Fund and Institutional Investment Markets since 2006. Since 2012, he has worked for Terrain as a Senior

Consultant advising their Global and Emerging Market Equities and Fixed Income clients with their Australian marketing efforts. Prior to working with Terrain, Chris joined Terrain Capital Limited’s Corporate Advisory team (in 2006) supporting the Directors in M&A, divestments, public listings & assisting Terrain’s fund manager research to identify prospects to market to Australia’s institutional investment market.